
| FLUX |

將流動的意識凝結成形,乘著心流,擷取意念與自然交融的瞬間,延續Slow Motion系列的概念,探索動與靜之間模糊的詩意,打造流動性與靜謐感兼具的樣態,搭配隨形水晶、巴洛克珍珠與漸層寶石,勾勒寫意的精緻感氛圍。首次登場的Exclusive鑲石系列,使用多種鑲嵌工法,將碧璽、橄欖石、丹泉石等各色寶石精巧融合於流體狀金屬主體,呈現出更豐富有機的視覺風景。

Condensing a stream of consciousness into form, riding the flow of the mind, and capturing moments where thoughts blend with nature power. Continuing the concept of the Slow Motion collection, this collection explores the poetic blur between movement and stillness, crafting a balance of fluidity and tranquility. Paired with freeform crystals, baroque pearls, and gradient gemstones, it evokes an atmosphere of elegant refinement. The debut of the "Exclusive" Gemstone Series incorporates various setting techniques, seamlessly merging tourmaline, peridot, tanzanite, and other gemstones into fluid metal forms, creating a rich organic visual landscape.



系列以神話中一夕消失的古帝國「亞特蘭提斯」為靈感,選用藍磷灰石原礦(blue apatite)為主石,湛藍如海的神秘色澤,仿若從遙遠異地穿越而來,手工打磨的金屬質地帶有原始感刻痕,冰透銀光打造夢幻異境氛圍。

The collection is inspired by the ancient empire of "Atlantis," which disappeared overnight in mythology.

Blue apatite, a mineral with a cyan color resembling the sea, is chosen as the main stone.

Its mysterious hue, reminiscent of the deep ocean, seems to have traveled from a distant and remote land. The surface is handcrafted to create a rough and primitive

texture, shining with a translucent silver light, crafting a dreamy and otherworldly atmosphere.






This collection aims to portray a sense of motion at an incredibly slow pace, resembling stillness while wandering in an ambiguous state between movement and

tranquility, much like seemingly solid glass is, in fact, a liquid, flowing downward at an extremely slow speed, taking centuries to observe its flowing state.

This visual unreality and the elusive sense of time it evokes are captivating.

The silver is shaped into soft, flowing silk-like appearance.

The collision of the material and its physical state produces a surreal visual experience.

By utilizing the inherent hardness of the metal, we seek to break away from conventional impressions and simulate an unknown sense of time and space, exploring the

potential for more sensory and cognitive collisions.